Host a Competition
With the power of leverage, we would like to partner with as many organizations as possible and especially tie in with established conferences to host IATBP competitions. IATBP is the Intellectual Property and trademark of the International Association of Trans Bodybuilders & Powerlifters. The Intellectual Property is only licensed to potential hosts after a proper legal agreement which will give the new host the right to plan and organize an official IATBP Competition at an agreed location. We also welcome applications from other individuals in the community with prior event planning and/or bodybuilding/powerlifting experience. What it takes to host an IATBP event: 1. APPLICATION OR INVITATION New IATBP hosts are invited by an IATBP representative or may fill out an application on the official IATBP website. IATBP reviews each application and makes a decision based on timing (how long the planning will take) and space (event location, room for competition, stage, backstage, etc.). 2. LICENSE AGREEMENT Once the application is approved, both parties will sign a one-time (one event) agreement. After an initial successful event, contracts can be renewed for up to 3 consecutive years or events. 3. TRAINING The host/team will be trained and given all the logistical information to host an IATBP event. See the appendix at the end of the handbook for a list of all the documents.